Know Your Rights: Immigration

Know Your Rights at a Glance

✅ Stay Silent – You are not required to answer questions about your immigration status or birthplace.
✅ Do Not Open the Door – Unless presented with a warrant signed by a judge with your name on it.
✅ Do Not Sign Anything – Consult an attorney before signing any documents to protect your rights.
✅ Avoid False Information – Do not falsify documents or misrepresent your citizenship status.
✅ Seek Legal Help – Contact the trusted organizations listed below for assistance.

San Joaquin County Immigration Resources

Legal Assistance and Advocacy

What to do if ICE confronts you

  • Do NOT open your door. ICE can’t come into your home unless they have a signed search warrant or you let them in. If officers are at your door, ask them to pass the warrant under the door before you open it. An arrest warrant (or an administrative warrant of removal) is not enough to come inside you home. If ICE officers want to enter your home, they must have a valid judicial search warrant that says the officers have a right to enter or search that particular address or areas specified. If the agents don’t speak your language, ask for an interpreter.
  • Check out the warrant. Look at the top and at the signature line to see if it was issued by a court and signed by a judge. Only a court/judge warrant grants ICE permission to enter your premises. One issued by DHS or ICE and signed by a DHS or ICE employee does not.
  • Do NOT resist if ICE agents force their way in. Say “I do not consent to your entry,” but do not physically resist.
  • Tell them you want to speak to a lawyer. ICE can use anything you say against you in your immigration case, so claim your right to remain silent! Say, “I want to speak to a lawyer and choose to remain silent.”
  • Do NOT sign. Be careful what you sign. ICE might ask you to sign forms agreeing to be deported without first seeing a judge.
  • Afraid to go back? If you get arrested and there is a final order for your deportation, be sure to let agents know if you have a fear of returning to your home country.
  • Find an attorney. If you get detained, don’t give up hope! Get a trustworthy lawyer and explore all options to fight deportation.
  • Report raids or checkpoints. (see Rapid Response numbers below)
  • Document. If it’s possible, take photos, videos, and notes on exactly what happened. Write down badge numbers. Note if ICE interferes with your right to take photos or video.

What To Do If ICE Enters Your Workplace

  • Do NOT consent. ICE can enter areas open to the general public (dining area, parking lot, waiting room) of a business without permission. But that does not give ICE the authority to detain, question, or arrest anyone.
  • Know the law. Under California law, employers cannot turn over employee records or voluntarily allow immigration agents to enter non-public areas of the workplace without a judicial warrant. If agents don’t have a warrant, calmly ask them to leave. Advise workers that they have the right to remain silent and do not have to answer questions, but do not direct anyone not to answer questions.
  • Stay calm. Do not run, ICE can use that as a reason to arrest you. Do not encourage anyone to escape or hide.
  • If ICE enters your workplace state that you do not consent to a search. Ask to see the identification of any officers or agents and write down the name, contact information, and badge number. If the agent refuses to provide documentation, you should note that as well. Document any violence or abuse. Document the details of the search, and persons or property taken. Call the rapid response hotline in your area.
  • If ICE has a SEARCH warrant signed by a judge, make sure the warrant has the correct address for your workplace. Review the warrant to see what areas and items ICE is authorized to search. ICE is not authorized to search areas or inspect items that are not described in the warrant.

Be Prepared

Make sure your family knows: 
  • Your A-Number so they can find you if you get arrested
  • The phone number of a trusted resource for immigration legal advice
  • Which friends and relatives can help with family obligations.

Northern California Local Rapid Response Hotlines

The following are hotline numbers for local rapid response networks. These numbers are meant for EMERGENCIES ONLY to report ICE activity and enforcement actions.

Additional Resources:


Capitol Office:
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0013
Phone: (916) 319-2013
Fax: (916) 319-2113

District Office:
4643 Quail Lakes Drive
Suite 200
Stockton, CA 95207
Phone: (209) 948-7479
Fax: (209) 465-5058