Sacramento, CA — Assemblymember Rhodesia Ransom has made affordability and addressing the rising costs of utilities her top priority. Her first day on the job she introduced AB 13, which will reform the CPUC holding these regulators accountable and providing Californians with the transparency they deserve regarding the rising costs of utilities.
“Californians are already facing the burden of high living costs, and the last thing they need is further increases in their utility bills,” said Assemblymember Ransom. “We need to ensure that decisions affecting their utilities are made with fairness, transparency, and accountability, prioritizing affordability for Californians.”
Assemblymember Ransom has been working diligently with stakeholders and her legislative colleagues for months to make sure AB 13 provides workable policies that will result in accountability, accessibility, and transparency into the rate increases that have hamstrung so many consumers.
AB 13 has been referred to the Assembly Committee on Utilities and Energy, where amendments will be made to further align the bill with its intended goals.